Learn Windsurfing in Mallorca and overcome common challenges

by | Sep 14, 2024

Learn windsurfing in Mallorca and overcome common challenges. This blog will guide you through the basics of getting started in windsurfing. It will help you navigate common difficulties, and offer insights into the gear you’ll need to make the most of your windsurfing experience.

Windsurfing is a rewarding sport that offers both a physical challenge and a deep connection with nature. While the learning curve can be steep, the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you glide across the water for the first time is unmatched. Start with the basics, choose the right gear, and be patient with yourself. Embrace the challenges as part of the journey. 

What is Windsurfing?

Windsurfing involves standing on a board and using a sail to control the power of the wind to propel yourself across the water. The board is equipped with a mast and a sail, and the windsurfer holds onto a boom (a horizontal bar attached to the mast) to control the sail. By adjusting the angle of the sail relative to the wind, windsurfers can move in various directions, gain speed, and perform tricks. 

Getting Started: The Basics

1. Gear Up

Before you hit the water, you’ll need the right equipment:

  • Board: Beginners should start with a larger, more stable board (about 160-200 liters in volume). These boards are more forgiving and easier to balance on.
  • Sail: A smaller sail (around 1-5 square meters) is recommended for beginners. Smaller sails are lighter and easier to handle.
  • Wetsuit: Depending on the water temperature, a wetsuit might be necessary. It will keep you warm and provide some protection against falls.
  • Harness: Once you gain some experience, a harness can help take the strain off your arms by distributing some of the pull from the sail to your body.

2. Take a Lesson

Windsurfing is not an intuitive sport. Taking lessons from a qualified instructor can drastically shorten your learning curve. Lessons will cover the basics like how to balance on the board, how to handle the sail, and essential safety tips.

3. Learn the Basics on Land First

Before heading into the water, practice the basic techniques on land. This includes learning how to stand on the board, grip the boom, and maneuver the sail, and mostly adapt our brain for the all the movement before heading the water. This dry run will help you feel more comfortable once you’re on the water.

4. Start in Calm Waters

When you’re ready to hit the water, choose a location with calm conditions. A flat, shallow bay with light winds (around 5-10 knots) is ideal for beginners. These conditions make it easier to focus on balancing and steering without worrying about strong currents or large waves.

Improve your windsurfing technique or learn new tricks. Our advanced windsurfing lessons in Playa de Muro, Mallorca are designed to help you excel.
Improve your windsurfing technique or learn new tricks. Our advanced windsurfing lessons in Playa de Muro, Mallorca are designed to help you excel.

Choosing the Right Gear: A Guide to Windsurfing Equipment

The right equipment can make a significant difference in your windsurfing experience, especially as a beginner. Here’s a closer look at the essential gear and some top brands to consider.

1. Boards

Beginner Boards: For those just starting, stability is key. Larger boards with a volume of 160-200 liters provide a stable platform, making it easier to balance while you learn the basics.

Top Brands:

  • Starboard: Known for its quality and innovation, Starboard offers a range of beginner-friendly boards. Their Rio model is particularly popular among newcomers.
  • JP Australia: The Magic Ride series is well-regarded for its stability and ease of use, making it a great choice for beginners.

Advanced Boards: As you gain experience, you might want to switch to a smaller, more responsive board that allows for faster speeds and more agility.

Top Brands:

  • Fanatic: The FreeWave series is a favorite among more experienced windsurfers who enjoy versatility and performance.
  • Naish: Known for its high-performance boards, Naish offers options like the Global that cater to riders looking for speed and maneuverability.

2. Sails

The sail is your engine on the water, so choosing the right one is crucial.

Beginner Sails: Start with a smaller sail (3-5 square meters) that’s easy to handle. Smaller sails are lighter and make learning the basics more manageable.

Top Brands:

  • Severne: The Convert series is designed for beginners, offering a lightweight and durable sail that’s easy to control.
  • NeilPryde: Their Wizard series is also a good choice for those new to the sport, providing a balance between ease of use and performance.

Advanced Sails: As you become more comfortable, you can move up to larger sails that allow for more speed and power.

Top Brands:

  • North Sails: The Warp series is a high-performance option for advanced windsurfers looking to maximize speed and control.
  • Gaastra: Known for their robust and powerful sails, Gaastra’s Cosmic series is a great choice for windsurfers looking to push their limits.

3. Wetsuits

A wetsuit is essential for staying warm and protected, especially in colder waters. The thickness of the wetsuit you need depends on the water temperature.

Top Brands:

  • O’Neill: Renowned for their high-quality wetsuits, O’Neill offers a wide range of options to suit different conditions.
  • Rip Curl: The Flashbomb series is popular for its flexibility and warmth, making it a top choice for windsurfers.

4. Harnesses

A harness can be a game-changer once you’re more experienced. It helps distribute the pull of the sail across your body, reducing the strain on your arms and allowing for longer, more comfortable sessions.

Top Brands:

  • Dakine: Known for their durable and comfortable harnesses, Dakine’s T-9 series is a favorite among windsurfers.
  • ION: The Apex harness is another excellent choice, offering great support and comfort for longer sessions on the water.
Top Advanced Windsurfing Courses in Bay of Alcudia, Mallorca. Master Windsurfing and Elevate Your Skills!
Top Advanced Windsurfing Courses in Bay of Alcudia, Mallorca. Master Windsurfing and Elevate Your Skills!

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

1. Balancing on the Board

One of the first hurdles in windsurfing is maintaining your balance on the board. Windsurfing requires you to stand on a floating platform that moves with the water. This can be tricky at first, especially when the wind catches your sail. To improve your balance, focus on keeping your knees slightly bent and your body weight centered over the board. As you practice, your stability will improve.

2. Handling the Sail

The sail can feel cumbersome at first, especially when trying to pull it out of the water after a fall. This is known as “uphauling.” Use your legs, not just your arms, to lift the sail by bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Start with a smaller sail to reduce the amount of weight you have to manage.

3. Understanding Wind Direction

Reading the wind is crucial in windsurfing. Beginners often struggle with understanding wind direction and how it affects the movement of the board. Spend some time observing the water and how other windsurfers position their sails. Learning to “feel” the wind takes time, but it’s essential for controlling your direction and speed.

4. Fear of Falling

Falling is part of the learning process in windsurfing. It can be frustrating, but it’s also how you improve. Don’t be afraid to fall—most falls are harmless, and you’ll be wearing a wetsuit for protection. Each time you get back on the board, you’ll be a little better at maintaining your balance and controlling the sail.

Learn windsurfing in Mallorca and overcome the challenges with Watersports Mallorca. 

We at Watersports Mallorca are offering a range of courses tailored to various skill levels, from beginners to advanced windsurfers.   

1. Beginners Windsurfing Course in Mallorca

Duration: 1-5 days (2-10 hours total)


  • Theory: In-depth understanding of windsurfing techniques, wind dynamics, and safety practices.
  • Practical: More extensive practice on the water, with emphasis on tacking, jibing (turning), and self-rescue techniques.
  • Outcome: Students should be able to windsurf independently in calm conditions, including making controlled turns and managing the board and sail effectively.

Find out more.

2.  Advanced Levels Windsurfing Course in Mallorca

Duration: 1-5 days (2-10 hours total)


  • Theory: Advanced techniques such as planing, using the harness, and understanding stronger wind conditions. Mastering high-speed techniques, wave riding, and advanced maneuvers such as the water start and carve gybes.
  • Practical: Hands-on training in moderate wind conditions, focusing on faster turns, controlled planing, and using the harness for better speed and control.  Intensive practice in challenging conditions, with focus on high-speed control and wave riding.
  • Outcome:  Students should be able to windsurf confidently in various conditions, with improved speed and maneuverability.  Students will develop advanced skills to handle stronger winds and more challenging water conditions, including wave sailing and advanced tricks.

Find out more.

3. Private Windsurfing Lessons in Playa de Muro, Mallorca

Duration: Flexible (1-2 hours per session)


  • Customized Training: Tailored lessons based on individual skill levels and goals. This can range from beginner basics to advanced techniques.
  • One-on-One Attention: Direct guidance from an instructor, allowing for personalized feedback and rapid improvement.
  • Outcome: Accelerated learning with a focus on specific areas that the student wants to improve.

Find out more.

All our Windsurfing Courses are also tailored for Kids

Kids’ Windsurfing Course 


  • Theory: Simplified introduction to windsurfing, focusing on safety and fun.
  • Practical: Fun, engaging exercises on the water with small, manageable sails. The focus is on balance, basic steering, and gaining confidence.
  • Outcome: Kids will gain a foundational understanding of windsurfing, with an emphasis on enjoyment and safety.

Consider to get a VDWS Basic Windsurfing License

The VDWS Basic Windsurfing License offers structured training to help you quickly master the fundamentals of windsurfing, ensuring both safety and confidence on the water. It’s internationally recognized, making it easier to rent equipment and explore windsurfing spots worldwide. The program connects you with experienced instructors and a passionate windsurfing community, encouraging continuous improvement. Earning the license not only boosts your skills but also provides a sense of achievement. It’s an ideal first step toward enjoying windsurfing and pursuing advanced techniques.

Get ready and book your windsurf course now with Watersports Mallorca on this amazing island in Playa de Muro! Our team is waiting for you!

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